Sacrificial Anode

Zinc Anode





A magnesium rod is a metal rod made from magnesium. It is used to prevent corrosion, soften water quality, and extend the lifespan of the equipment. Magnesium is a more chemically reactive metal than the materials typically used to construct water heaters, such as steel or iron. When a magnesium rod is placed within the water tank of a water heater, it becomes the target for corrosion instead of the tank itself. This sacrificial corrosion process helps to protect the tank from rust, scale, and deterioration that would otherwise occur due to exposure to water and the minerals it contains.






-          Residential water heaters

-          Commercial and industrial water systems

-          Boilers

-          Storage tanks

-          Industrial pipelines




-          Prolonged lifespan of protective structures

-          Easy to replace

-          Prevent rust and scale

-          Simple installation