Transformer Rectifier

Air-Cooled Transformer Rectifier





Air-Cooled transformer rectifiers are designed for situations requiring lower current levels, usually up to 50 amperes. They work well in temperatures up to 55°C, indoors or outdoors. These units are smaller and lighter than oil-cooled ones, making them a good fit for places where oil-cooled versions wouldn't work due to their size and weight. In the regular air-cooled transformer rectifier series, there are two types: Manual and Auto models. The Manual one has 25 output adjustment steps, while the smart Auto one has 6 steps. It can also change settings automatically using a touch screen, LED display, and control board. This includes tasks like keeping power stable, manually setting power, and scheduling shutdowns. The Auto model can also work with manual changes to keep power consistent across the range.






-          Support multiple power source

-          Could switch from manual and auto control mode

-          Both air cooling and forced cooling are adopted

-          Large-capacity internal data storage