@charset "UTF-8"; /* SpryFormValidation.css - version 0.5 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1 */ /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */ /* These are the classes applied on the error messages * which prevent them from being displayed by default. */ .textareaRequiredMsg, .textareaMinCharsMsg, .textareaMaxCharsMsg, .textareaValidMsg { display:none; } /* These selectors change the way messages look when the widget is in one of the error states. * These classes set a default red border and color for the error text. * The state class (e.g. .textareaRequiredState) is applied on the top-level container for the widget, * and this way only the specific error message can be shown by setting the display property to "inline". */ .textareaRequiredState .textareaRequiredMsg, .textareaMinCharsState .textareaMinCharsMsg, .textareaMaxCharsState .textareaMaxCharsMsg { display: inline; color: #CC3333; border: 1px solid #CC3333; font-size: 10px; } /* The next three group selectors control the way the core element (TEXTAREA) looks like when the widget is in one of the states: * focus, required / minChars / maxChars , valid * There are two selectors for each state, to cover the two main usecases for the widget: * - the widget id is placed on the top level container for the TEXTAREA * - the widget id is placed on the TEXTAREA element itself (there are no error messages) */ /* When the widget is in the valid state the TEXTAREA has a green background applied on it. */ .textareaValidState textarea, textarea.textareaValidState { background-color:#B8F5B1; } /* When the widget is in an invalid state the TEXTAREA has a red background applied on it. */ textarea.textareaRequiredState, .textareaRequiredState textarea, textarea.textareaMinCharsState, .textareaMinCharsState textarea, textarea.textareaMaxCharsState, .textareaMaxCharsState textarea { background-color:#FF9F9F; } /* When the widget has received focus, the TEXTAREA has a yellow background applied on it. */ .textareaFocusState textarea, textarea.textareaFocusState { background-color:#FFFFCC; } /* This class applies only for a short period of time and changes the way the text in the textarea looks like. * It applies only when the widget has enforce max chars enabled and the user tries to type some more. */ .textareaFlashState textarea, textarea.textareaFlashState{ color:red !important; } /* When the widget has the hint message on, the hint text can be styled differently than the user typed text. */ textarea.textareaHintState, .textareaHintState textarea{ /* color: red !important;*/ } Primer - Karatec Resources Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia

Corrossion Protection Tape Wrapping






Primer is a high solid priming solution designed to be used with wrapping tapes. This Primer is manufactured from bituminous solids with a fast drying hydrocarbon solvent.


Primer acts as a primary anti-corrosion layer, and enhances the rapid formation of a strong adhesive bond between the tape layer and the primed substrate. In the case of freshly prepared metal surfaces immediate application of this Primer prevents flash rusting.


Primer plays an important part in the corrosion protection system by providing the correct conditions for wrapping.




Primer can be applied by brush, roller or spray. Ensure containers are properly resealed after use. When dry wrapping tapes can be applied on to the primer surface.






Flash Point








6 to 10




Primer should be stored in the original sealed containers until required for use. Store in dry, cool, well ventilated buildings out of direct sunlight and other major sources heat. Stock should be rotated on the first in/ first out basis.


Primers give off flammable vapour and should be stored in accordance with loc al hazard requirements.